Yet Another Graphomaniacs Compendium
Monday, August 22, 2005

On Actually finishing something.

Ok, so I finished writing Part One of my perpetual graphic - novel in progress. Nine pages, taking two years. That's an awful output rate. I'll never be a pro, but its great fun all the same. Writing the words and waiting for the image to come. It's a form of meditation. And the buzz you get when it clicks is great: just as good as coding a neat subroutine, as bad as the blues you get when you are creatively constipated.

Its so lang since I actually finished something, I'm amazed. As I'm leaving my job for University at the end of this month, I really hope it's a turning point. I look at all the unfinished projects I have: the space opera game, the rougish mutiplayer job, the Angels and Guard IF I wanted to write, and I have this image of a giant Space Bat and Crystal Dragon lost in endless, crazily lit tunnels that's annoying me, too. After eight years of production hell on and off and many published games, it's time to have some fun, and try and enrich the commons.

Coming back down to earth, I Now have the problem of whipping up a tool that will take a structured comic script and post it , panel by panel to a blog. Time to head over to BadByteBootstapBlues and brush up on my XML-RPC.

posted by John Connors at
Monday, August 22, 2005


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A miscellany of topics that intersest me: deaf culture, game design, politics as soap opera, the cyborg condition and the experience of learning to hear again. Other topics presented are speculative fiction and imaginary cities. There are appearences of snippets of work in progress, public rants, pointless posts and Mish the Mouse.

The Writer

A lower middle class cyborg living an innocous life in a suburban village near Newcastle On Tyne, in the United Kingdom. Mostly autobiographical and creative notes posts and musings on the topic du jour.


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