Yet Another Graphomaniacs Compendium
Monday, October 28, 2002

Tile Generator

I was trying to write a tile generator the other day, something that takes in a 32x32 tile and then spits out 16 different versions of it that are shaded to look like a wall as in a rougelike game with graphics tiles. The advantage of automating this was that you could use a perlin noise generator to generate dungeons with different looking stone walls, or brick walls, or bright purple marzipan walls if your game was going to be that kind of game, but I was a bit frustrated by the lack of an imaging library that can simply read and write various file formats (png, mng, tif, jpg, whatever) and do a few stragihtforward pixel level operations on them. There must be some. SDL_image I eliminated because it only loads images, the python imaging library is nice for reading and writing, but pixel level access is too unpythonlike to be sensible, and there's ImageMagick. Which looks good but I can't find the documentation for the C Api..sigh. It looks like the PIL is the least bad option.

posted by John Connors at
Monday, October 28, 2002


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A miscellany of topics that intersest me: deaf culture, game design, politics as soap opera, the cyborg condition and the experience of learning to hear again. Other topics presented are speculative fiction and imaginary cities. There are appearences of snippets of work in progress, public rants, pointless posts and Mish the Mouse.

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A lower middle class cyborg living an innocous life in a suburban village near Newcastle On Tyne, in the United Kingdom. Mostly autobiographical and creative notes posts and musings on the topic du jour.


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